Pruveeo APP


Can be used for model D90-4CH / D904CH-MINI

The process of connecting to WiFi may vary depending on your device model. Please refer to the product manual for specific instructions on how to enable WiFi.

To get started, scan the QR code or search for the "GFGCAM" app in the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. Download and install the app on your phone.

pruveeo gfgcam app

Important: For optimal performance, please turn off your phone's 4G data and Bluetooth while using the WiFi app.

  1. Open the WiFi settings on your phone, find the "SSID" in the list, and tap to connect (default password: 12345678).
  2. Launch the "GFGCAM" app, tap "connect," and enter the real-time video streaming page.
  3. Once connected, the dash camera will switch to the camera view and display a "WiFi connected" message.

After connecting, you can stream live video, start or stop recording, and save or view captured footage directly on your mobile device.

Tip: Keep your phone within 1-3 meters of the dash camera, ideally while in your car, to ensure a stable connection.